luni, 30 mai 2016

Best virtual tours with tourwizard

I noticed that in the last 2 years the real estate market in US and also in Europe has started to increase again, as more and more people overcome the financial struggle of the financial crysis.

So, if you need to sell your house only to purchase a bigger one then the moment has come to make this step. Or if you maybe have to use a real estate agency that is specialised in selling apartments, then I have an extraordinary tip for your promotional efforts, a software solution that will help you a lot in improving your listing, to increase your exposure, the conversion rate, and the best thing related to this would be that it will increase conversions or better say - will improve the ratio between the visits of potential customers and the actual sales.

Several of the most important selling points are: the fact that a person that is going to "visit" your property virtual tour will more likely buy the property, as he understands exactly how the house/apartment is finished, how is compartmentalized and how it really looks with all the ups and downs.

Also - regarding all the necessary marketing efforts, there is very important to say that this solution is going to offer you all the important features that you would ever need in order to embed it in certain web pages (like in a wordpress website) or platforms(facebook, twitter, etc), to share it on social media websites or to simply send the presentation link through the email to a potential buyer.

Simply put it, all the necessary things related to marketing are already there, in this solution, which is really a great selling point.

We kindly invite everyone you to test it and to share opinion about Tour Wizard.

vineri, 6 mai 2016

Fatade din termopan

Exteriorul oricarei constructii joaca un rol foarte important, intrucat poate influenta costurile intretinerii, dar este esential si din punct de vedere al valorii cladirii. Cum tot mai des apar noi cladiri moderne care pot avea diferite scopuri, apar si tot felul de solutii pentru fatade, insa este esential ca acestea sa fie de calitate si sa indeplineasca cateva cerinte.

Pentru ca pierderile de energie electrica sa nu reprezinte o problema, specialistii recomanda optarea pentru fatade din termopan, intrucat sticla este ideala din punct de vedere al izolarii termice si fonice. Astfel, variatiile de temperatura nu sunt resimtite nici vara si nici iarna, astfel ca nu mai este nevoie de alte sisteme care sa raceasca sau sa incalzeasca aerul, in functie de anotimp.

Asadar, pe langa indeplinirea tuturor cerintelor estetice, aceste fatade trebuie sa asigure si protectie impotriva mai multor factori. Termopanul tine umiditatea la distanta, astfel ca nu apare mucegaiul, iar intretinerea sa este usor de realizat, fiind nevoie doar de o spalare ocazionala. In plus, fatadele din termopan permit intrarea luminii naturale, fapt care reprezinta un adevarat beneficiu pentru angajati sau locuitori, fiind un efect mult mai placut ochiului.

De asemenea, aceste fatade pot avea diferite sisteme, unele fiind glisante, fie existand posibilitatea de a se deschide pentru a permite aerisirea incaperilor. Sticla este un material ideal pentru fatade deoarece mentine caldura iarna, iar vara tine temperaturile extreme la distanta.

Avantajele fatadelor din termopan

In primul rand sticla este prietenoasa cu mediul deoarece este reciclabila, este foarte rezistenta, nu are cum sa se deterioreze si nu este afectata de temperaturile extreme, atat iarna, cat si varna. In plus, daca se doreste ca fatada sa capete o anumita culoare, aceasta nu se va modifica in timp, in timp ce se asigura protectie impotriva razelor UV ale soarelui.